Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Devoted To Evangelizing The Next Generation

1Sam 1:9 "Hannah ... presented herself before the LORD ..she prayed to the LORD, weeping copiously .. promising: "O LORD of hosts ... if you give your handmaid a male child, I will give him to the LORD for as long as he lives" - Although Hannah was barren and suffered for lack of children, she still drew close to God and God to her. She valiantly demonstrates what true motherhood and parenting is all about; to raise their children to know the Lord and live for the Lord! God gave her a son, Samuel. For Christian parents it's all the more important to raise their children to know and live for Christ who alone redeems mankind and to prepare them to be evangelizers of such incomparable Life in Christ. How many Catholic parents, then, are encouraging their children to consider the religious life as brothers, sisters, or priests who freely choose to dedicate their entire being to Christ alone so that Christianity may expand? We can not afford to be selfish any longer! Help children, teenagers, and young adults know the amazing life of priest saints, sister saints, and brother saints, who  were consumed in the love of Christ and made His love known by their undying love for others.