Monday, August 1, 2011
“Five loaves and two fish are all we have here.” Mt 14:17 - Yes, Jesus first challenged his disciples to feed the 5000 themselves, but they could not, they only brought supplies for themselves. Jesus is the Son of God made man, he came down from heaven for this very purpose, to feed 5000, even 5 billion, he came to feed the world his Divine Word, the Word that will quench the thirst of all who are in spiritual anguish, the Word that alone will satisfy the spiritual hunger of man. Several early saints point out that the 5 loaves and 2 fish (an amount so little, but like the mustard seed placed in the right hands, planted and cultivated, will bear more food, protection, and comfort than imaginable) represent the five first books of the old testament, the only books considered Sacred Scripture at the time of Jesus, and the two fish represent the first and last of the prophets, those men who were found faithful to God in the most trying of times and who gave their life in order to feed the people the Word of God for those who would listen. Jesus had spent the whole day teaching and sharing the Divine Life with the multitude and none of them wanted to leave...imagine us going to Mass and being so inspired by the Word of God, the presence of God, that we don't want to leave. (that is one reason I became a priest!) So, as Jesus performs the miracle of feeding 5000 men plus women and children he has already nourished their souls with his Word throughout the day opening up sacred scripture to them, and now he will provide for the nourishment of their bodies as well in the miracle of multiplying the loaves and the fish. The disciples will gather 12 wicker baskets of leftovers as if Jesus is saying to the 12 apostles, "See I give each of you and your successors, enough food to feed the world to the end of times in the Eucharistic Feast at Mass which is my Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." My friend, come and spend time with Jesus each day, open up His Divine Word which is Divine milk and the New Testament which is the honey that nourishes the mind, soothes the soul, and brings sight to the blind. Come to Mass on Sundays not out of obligation, but out of an overwhelming response of love for God who first loved us and calls us to share in the Divine life of his Son in the Holy Eucharist as a community that is seeking everlasting life.
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