Step 1 - Step Into Church - Going to church or even thinking about going to church should make our hearts jump for joy. Why? Why you ask? "I don't even like going to church." That is the attitude of some....and believe me it’s all ATTITUDE, not much others can do about that until that person falls deep enough in sin and away from God that they realize they can't live without the prodigal son in Luke 15. But I digress.
Each church is very special and that doesn't matter if it’s a small rural church or a large mega-sized church, each is unique with many powerful symbols. Each church took a whole community of people laboring together, disputes were resolved and agreements were achieved, as to exactly how the church should look like, which is never a small accomplishment. Certain things are required in all Catholic churches; a steeple and cross on top, a vestibule or gathering space, the nave of the church were the congregation will worship, a center aisle for all the processions to the sanctuary were the Word of God is proclaimed at an Ambo and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated at the altar, a large crucifix is always placed in the sanctuary to remind us of the price Jesus paid for our sins. Beyond these necessary parts of the church, each church will have its own unique inspirations (stained glass windows, stations of the cross, statues of saints who never abandoned their faith, mmm ahhh mmmm, confessional area for the Sacrament of Reconciliation) that is meant to further help us realize that we are on Holy Ground, that we are in a Holy Place dedicated to God and where Jesus is present night and day and so illuminate within us a desire to worship. Remember that the disciples recalled in John 2:17 after Jesus had thrown out all the money changers and those who sold oxen, sheep, and doves saying "Take these out of here and stop making my Father's house a marketplace," they recalled a Hebrew passage about Jesus in the Temple, "Zeal for my house shall consume you." (Psalm 69:9 and John 2:17) This is why I originally said that thinking about going to church should make us want to leap for joy! The Catholic Church is extremely’s literally God's House! What? Come on, father, it’s just another building, but one in which we happen to worship together. Not exactly, actually not even close! In each Catholic Church resides the Blessed Sacrament, Jesus is in the HOUSE! Jesus is present, body and blood, soul and divinity, in the tabernacle reserved for Him alone. Literally, the church is God's house and how well we should take care of His House before we think about our own. How we care for or neglect our local church says a lot about how much we care for or neglect God.
So, now, as we step into church, I hope we all have a greater understanding and sense of awe. Holy Water is provided at each entrance of the church to help us be mind filled of this. As we enter the church, we tap our fingers into the Holy Water and make the sign of the cross over our bodies…head, abdomen, left shoulder, right shoulder....reminding each of us of our salvation in Jesus Christ through baptism in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
See, again I feel better. Next time we shall talk more about the sign of the cross, where it came from and why we, as Catholics, make the sign of the cross so often.
In Christ Jesus,
Fr. Kyle