Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Family Values

Vocation Awareness
​What is attacked more today than the traditional family unit? Tradition values have been under attack throughout the world for more than fifty years.  Almost all of our struggles today such as pre-marital fornication, adultery, unwanted pregnancies, abortion, sterilization or the use of contraception, drugs, excess alcohol, and pornography stem from the lack of maintaining the traditional family unit provided us by God. (see Mark 10:1-12)
​So what would be considered some traditional family values that would help a young family, husband and wife with their children (or the same desire by single moms and dads) to regain and keep control of their home and reestablish honor from their children as we begin a new academic year.
​First, let us look at an example of what happened in Old Testament times when God and family values were shunned by Eli, the priest that Samuel would eventually replace.  Eli wanted everything for his children and he bent over backwards to satisfy their every want and desire.  Sound familiar mom and dad?  Learn the moral lesson below.
​Eli is an appalling example of fatherhood which is revealed by God, “And why do you honor your sons in preference to me, fattening yourselves with the choicest part of every offering of my people Israel?” (1 Sam. 2:29)  Eli was honoring his children rather than honoring God, giving his best to his children instead of giving his best to God.  Eli was a misfit father because he did not set the example for his children through humility, prayers and supplications before the Lord.  Therefore, the goodness of God was withdrawn from Eli and his family.  They were destroyed with only a few remaining who were left begging even for a “morsel of bread to eat” from the hands of Samuel, a man of God whom God put in place of Eli as the “faithful priest who shall do what I have in mind and heart”.
Yes, throughout the Old Testament God gives a stern warning to His people.  If they heed his voice they are blessed and if they do not, then the Lord completes his action that he threatened against his own sons and daughters. Parents, you too must do the same. Set just rules, not to harsh and not to light, and then bind them for everyone in the home.  There should be prayer time, chore time, study time, and family time.  I see the television, cell phones, and video games as all major contributors to the break down of the family as it becomes a roof we live under instead of a home were God and family, love and generosity, are the priority.
Eli committed further crimes against God as his sons became young adults without any regard for God or morality, “though he knew his sons were blaspheming God, he did not reprove them.” (1 Sam 3:13) Eli would call on the Lord but it was too late, all of Israel suffered defeat, his sons were killed in battle, and the ark of the covenant was captured by his arch enemy, the Philistines.  All this happened because Eli was not disciplined himself and refused to discipline his children at a young age.  Yes, he tried to discipline his children when they were adults but it was too late, they had no respect for their father and did not listen to his correction. The same will happen to you and your children unless you renew your commitment to God, to Christ Jesus, set the good example by your own actions, pray fervently, and have your children follow the discipline of being disciples of the Lord instead of disregard for God and family.
​Fathers, do you require obedience of your children? Do you give them assigned tasks and make sure they follow through?  Do you set the example as the spiritual father of the household, praying everyday before your children?  Or have you become couch potatoes when you get home from work, just wanting to eat, relax, lie down and not be bothered? 
​Samuel, unlike Eli’s sons, was disciplined through the dedication and love of his parents, even though he was separated from them early in life they continued to have a strong and positive influence on him.  Because Samuel was disciplined as a child, following the rules and regulations set down by his parents, he remained faithful to Eli, returning to him repeatedly to be at his service saying “Here I am, you called me.” when it was God who was calling him.  Don’t you want teenagers who will choose consistently to come to you first when they are confused, scared, or downtrodden?  Even as an unfit father as Eli was, he did point Samuel into the right direction, guiding him back to God to begin his ministry unto the Lord serving faithfully the people of God.  Most teenagers who are considering the religious life do so not only because of the good examples of sisters, brothers, and priests, but because of the singular devotion to God by their father or mother, grandfather or grandmother.  Let us rebuild the family unit, a home grounded in the Gospel, safe from the immorality of this world.